
Gunther Hauk: "The crisis is a huge opportunity"

Bienenschutzgarten has been inspired from the very beginning...

Bee Sancutary started crowdfunding

Together we can create a natural environment for honey bees to...

Peter Simonischek reading for bees

A reading of Maurice Maeterlinck’s book“The Life of Bees"...

A small reprieve for the Bees

On Wednesday the Agriculture Committee placed a partial ban...


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Bees have been around for more than 50 million years, keeping our planet fertile and rich in biodiversity, and helping create the beauty of a blossoming natural world. TODAY, THE SURVIVAL WORLDWIDE OF THE HONEY BEE IS UNDER THREAT. Possible causes for this problem are still being argued about. But we know for a fact that bees today are grown for high performance and maximum profit, and they are being heavily manipulated for this cause; we know that the drugs used on bees weaken their immune system, and they can no longer survive without them; that bees are traded and transported around the world and that various parasites are thus spread. The fact is that industrial agriculture destroys the natural resources of our bees. Also that agro-toxin, such as the highly toxic neonicotinoids, endangers their health and their lives. And we also know: BEES CAN NOT PROTECT THEMSELVES.

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