Yes I would like to make a donation to the Bee Sanctuary.


Help us save the honeybees from extinction. Make a donation to our Bees sanctuary. You can donate with a direct debit or bank transfer as well as with Bitcoin (BTC).

Make a quick difference, donate online now!


I would like to make a regular monthly donation to the amount of:

Monatliche Spende



IBAN: AT79 5800 0206 1733 0017

I may cancel my membership at any time by written notification. The membership is valid for one calendar year and shall be renewed automatically if I have not given notice of my resignation. With my membership fee, I support the club and accept according to the statutes of the association that a reimbursement of contributions paid is not provided for. My personal information may only be used within the organization.

Please add 1 and 6.

Donate Bitcoin now!


Donate your Bitcoin (BTC) for our Bees sanctuary now. Your Bitcoin donation is anonymous. This means that no donation receipt can be created from our side.

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