Become a true friend of the bees with one of our Bee Sanctuary sponsorship plans!

Apply online now for one of our sponsorship plans

Apply online to be a fruit tree sponsor:


my tree will be organically grown and tended for, and therefore will enable the bees from the Bee Sanctuary to benefit from the nutrition supplied by my trees pollen and nectar. My yearly sponsorship of 45 € will entitle me to an invitation to the Bee Sanctuary, where I will be able to sample for my self the fruits from my very own fruit tree.
I limit the term of my sponsorship to one year.

Fruit tree sponsorship gift offer

I would like to give a year’s fruit tree sponsorship as a gift! Please send the appropriate gift card to:

My Personal data


My payment



IBAN: AT 68 38 37 50 00 02 02 15 41

BIC: RZ ST AT 2G 375

Termination of my sponsorship is possible by written notice and has no time frame obligations.

Please calculate 8 plus 4.